
Al Alam Al Youm-ACC Continues to Revolutionize the Cement Industry

ACC announced signing an agreement with SolarizEgypt to establish a SPV (Solar Photovoltaic) solar energy
plant at its plant in Suez Governorate financed by QNB AlAhli under EBRD-Green Economy Program.

اخبار ذات صله

single news description
06 Jan 2019

الشركة العربية للأسمنت وجمعية نهضة المحروسة يضعان تعريفاً جديداً لمبادرات المسئولية المجتمعية للشركات

اقرأ المزيد
single news description
05 Jan 2019

Al Mal- ACC Recognized by the Ministry of Environment for Remarkable Energy Efficiency Efforts

اقرأ المزيد